0Sunday. 13th [December 1896]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 December 1896 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 13th [December 1896]. I did not go out. Blanche came in to see me for a few minutes. Aline Lambton & Lady Victoria came & the former stayed to lunch with me. She seems better in health but does not look strong. Edward Duncannon came in for a while. I went to dine at 17 Cav. Sqr. Blanche was out at church hearing father Mathurin preach at the church in Wells Street– She & Constance came in from church late so we did not dine till 8.30. I sent Connie & her girl Evelyn who joined her home in my carriage. Hall. Murray came to tea.

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