0Monday. 12th [April 1897]—Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 April 1897 — Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
Monday. 12th [April 1897]. More rain—& no getting out all day. I began to copy the portraits by Reynolds of Lady Spencer & Lady Duncannon & worked at them till lunch. In the afternoon to get a little exercise Blanche, Bertie & I went over the house & rummaged in the attic where we found & rescued an old ebony picture frame. Edward Duncannon was out all day at the estate office. This morning at 7 Onie came & got into my bed & read aloud to me Cunningham’s Life of Reynolds. Before dinner Irène read more of Roberts to me– Music in the evening.

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