0Tuesday. 27th [July 1897]—Bere Cottage, Bere Regis, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 July 1897 — Bere Cottage, Bere Regis, Dorset
Tuesday. 27th [July 1897]. We had an old woman from the village to sit to us & we began to draw her in crayon. Then worked at the flower pot. Nelly & I drove over today to Charborough to call on Mrs Drax. After keeping us waiting some little time she came downstairs & at once proposed to take us to see her picture gallery. It contains modern pictures—the best being a “Susanna” by Goodall—a little gem. She showed us the staircase painted by Thornhill—& took us upstairs to the family portraits in the passages. We advised her to bring them down to the picture gallery. She is a curious old lady—quite a character. She was dressed in a lilac cotton bedgown—& wore no stays. Had her white hair gathered on the top of her head—& had on an enormous broach of diamonds & onyx. She was very funny. Arthur Du Cane & I drove down to the Warren after tea & fished up the stream to the first lock. I watched him & took a lesson. Home to late supper—besique.

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