0Saturday. 25th [March 1899]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 March 1899 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 25th [March 1899]. Went to the Fenice to hear Perosi’s Oratorio the Resurrection of Christ lead by Perosi himself. Iduna was to have accompanied me but she was not very well so I invited Clara Montalba & she dined with me & afterwards Ct Belmondo fetched us & took us to the Fenice. We had hardly settled ourselves in the box before the door opened & all the Valmarana family appeared. It turned out that the opera box was the Valmarana property & by a mistake had been let to me. As we were friends we agreed to remain there together. I did not much care for the music. The instrumentation was weak & the whole thing tho’ dramatic was not ones ideal of sacred music. The chorus parts were fine—he is evidently rather up in Church effects & part voices. He looked very odd sitting aloft in his priests gown waving his arms & throwing himself into affected attitudes but there is no doubt that he is very clever & the music for a young man between 25 & 26 years old [was] remarkable. It was rather painful to me to find myself for the first time since Henry died, in a theatre altho not for a play– I am resolved to try & get over the feeling but it is not easy.

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