0Monday. 1st May [1899]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 May 1899 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 1st May [1899]. Unpacked & arranged things. My cook gave me warning—(Bertha’s niece) giving no proper excuse. After lunch I went to the Dressmaker’s (Rigal) to order some dresses & Nellie Alderson met me there & afterwards I walked to Novarre’s bonnet shop—kept by Mrs Alan Cole whose husband is an employé in the S. Kensington Museum. She employs Nellie in this shop to help at 15/ a week. I ordered a bonnet & then we came home in a cab. I went this morng to see Maria & think she seems a little better—at all events not worse or more shaky than when I left England.

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