0Thursday. 25th [May 1899]—Lutterworth
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 May 1899 — Lutterworth
Thursday. 25th [May 1899]. I & my maid Knapp left Lutterworth at 11.15 & drove in a fly to Rugby at 12.25. Took a train to Birmingham. There changed into the Bournemouth express at 1.35 & went via Cheltenham, Gloucester, Mongotsfield & Bath to Broadstone where I found the Canford omnibus waiting for me to drive me to Canford wh I reached abt 7.30. Found Elaine & Ernest Villiers staying there. Corise left this morning. Ivor & Cornelia very flourishing. Revd Mr Faux & his wife dined here. Played patience in evening. Found the family much disturbed about the Rodney scandal. Poor Corise is obliged to try to get separated from her husband who has taken up with their French governess & also has been cruel & violent to her. He also drinks & is a great brute. Her 4 little boys are staying here. She herself has gone to help Lady de Ramsay nurse Lord de R. who is dangerously ill with pneumonia. Poor little Corise so good & gentle deserved a better fate!

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