0Friday. [13th October 1899]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 October 1899 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. [13th October 1899]. I was in bed all the morning but got down to tea. Mr & Mrs Curtis came to tea & Maria Cozzi & Ersilia Canevaro. Mrs Eden also came. She & Mr Eden have just come in to town from their villa at Salce. I am delighted to have her back here. The telegrams today in the newspapers tell us that War with the Transvaal is declared. It is a terrible idea & one cannot imagine how or when it will end– The Boers have done all they can to insult England & were evidently determined on war or they never [would] have sent us such an insolent ultimatum as the one just sent to our government.

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