0Wednesday. 4th [April 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 April 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 4th [April 1900]. Up & sat in the drawing room. Miss Clapham called to talk about Miss Dring who does not want to return to her Aunt Mrs Dring from Madeira. Nela came & Blanche before lunch—& the latter returned at 5 & had tea with me. I remained up till 10 & had meals in the drawing room. The wind has gone round from N to S & it was fine & sunny today. The Queen has gone over to Dublin today to make a visit to Ireland after a lapse of 36 years. There has been much talk for & against it but she has had a magnificent reception. Just as I was going to eat my dinner Monty sent me up a paper having a telegram to say the P. of Wales’ life has been attempted at Brussels—a man having fired at him in the saloon carriage on his journey with the Princess to Denmark. It is a dastardly affair. I sent my butler down to Marlboro’ House to enquire & he brought word that it is true that the Prince was untouched and that the would be assassin had been taken. What an awful catastrophy we are saved!! But [it] is unfortunate it should have happened just today when the Queen wants rest & peace after her journey to Ireland.

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