0Sunday. 29th [July 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 July 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 29th [July 1900]. I went to 9.30 service at the German Chapel & was home at 11– Bee Eliot called before lunch– Duncannon & Irène came to lunch & I consulted him over the Layard Home. It rained a good deal today but the thermometer was down to 70º instead of 80º of the last few days. Had a long visit from Mr Charles Alderson. He told me he had lately been reading some letters by his sister Lady Salisbury to his sister Poney written from Constantinople at the time they went there for the Conference & that she hated the Turks & the place & disliked Sir Henry Elliot (our Ambassador)—& was only always longing to return home. I told him I could not understand it and that I suppose it was that it did not suit her temperament as it did mine—& that I have loved the place. When he left shortly before 6 I drove off to Eaton Place to call on the 3 Misses Hammonds daughters of Henry’s old friend Lord Hammond & found them at home– Asked them if they have letters from Henry to their father which they said they had & promised to send me. Connie came to dine with me—& sat talking till 11–

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