0Thursday. 14th [February 1901]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 February 1901 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 14th [February 1901]. Just before lunch Mme Rubini (née Forbes) asked to see me. She came she said to ask me to help her with the loan of 1800 lire. I could not refuse her. She said she had an old picture she was selling but could not get the money by Monday & she said she did not know where to get the money by Monday—& with tears in her eyes she said “You are English & I thought you would lend it to me.” She is a widow as I am & seems very friendless & I have to spare & have friends. She told me that she is daughter of Mr Forbes late organist at St Mary’s Bryanstone Square—that she took up singing as a profession—sang on the stage 5 years under the name Anna Rensis and while singing at Udine met & married Mr Rubini. She has 3 daughters, one still unmarried & I am afraid everything the old man could, he left away from his wife to the daughters. Directly after lunch I went to Mme Noce but she sent me word she was not able to go to Lido. I therefore went to the Zattere & walked up & down there for an hour & got home at 4. Mr Williamson came to see me. Later Maria Cozzi came & then Mme Wiel & Mr Montalba.

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