0Wednesday. 12th [March 1902]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 March 1902 — Rome
Wednesday. 12th [March 1902]. Sat with Sophy in the morning. We were out on her balcony in the sun until we were driven in by the heat of the sun. After lunch I had a visit from Signora Poniba who had come to thank me personally for having given the modiste the pattern of my Maria Stuart shaped bonnet for her. Then Idita Bentivoglio came to fetch me & took me for a drive round by the Gianicolum & I came back to tea with Sophy. We were all terribly upset by the news that Lord Methuen had been defeated & taken prisoner by the Boers. It is a terrible disappointment just as we were thinking that the war is coming to an end. There is great excitement & satisfaction all over the continent at our misfortune. I went to dine with Ct & Css Pasolini & met Da Laura Minghetti & her niece, Signor Masi, the Pasolini son. Others expected did not turn up. After dinner few people dropped in amongst them as English Sec. of Emb. Mr Maurice Baring who was not attractive in manners– The Countess Pasolini & sister Css Suardi & Countess Rasponi her sister in law also dined there a charming woman whom I had met before.

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