0Friday. 8th [August 1902]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 August 1902 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 8th [August 1902]. was met at the station by Austin & went straight home to Savile Row in a hansom—got into bed & had tea & then rested. About 10 Nellie came to my room & we talked about how I was to see the Coronation. She had asked her cousin Lord Cranborne to get me a place in Westr Abbey thro’ the Foreign Office & he tried in vain– I had written to the Earl Marshall with the same result. “I have almost a mind to write to Miss Knollys & ask her if she can help me,” I said. Nellie said “Why dont you”—so thus encouraged I took my writing book—wrote a note & sent Austin to Buckingham Palace with it. He returned saying an answer would be sent—& sure eno’ in about an hour came a large envelope containing a ticket for the nave & a note from Miss Knollys saying the Queen had but one ticket left & she was very glad to give it to me. This was splendid but then came the question how I was to get there. Carriages were very scarce—& at each livery stables the answer was that there was none to give. I went up to see Sir Henry Thompson who I knew was going—he had come up from the country but was out—so I went back later & found him so perturbed at the idea that we were going to different doors & seeing his great age I would not trouble him so I gave up that idea. My sister Connie came in to tea with me & happening to talk of dress said “You can’t go in black you know”– This was another bomb as I have no other but black garments. I called Baker at once & brought out some magnificent white lace old Flemish flowers wh she said she would tack all over my gown– Nellie lent me a grey cloak & that matter was disposed of. I went to dine with Mr & Mrs Arthur Walrond having sent off Austin with a note to my brother Ivor to ask if he had room in his carriage to take me to the Abbey & when I returned in the evening at 11 there was a note from him to say he would send his carriage for me at 7.45 in the morning. It only remained for me to make my diamonds up into the tiara for my head & at last all was ready.

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