0Tuesday. 23rd September [1902]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
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23 September 1902 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 23rd September [1902]. Today died at Vescovana Idita Marchesa Bentivoglio née Hurtado– I had known her since she was a child of 14 the first year I came here after I married. She used to accompany me to the Lido where we bathed. Her mother being English & her grandfather the English Consul Genl (Perry) she was brought up like an English child—& was a charming disposition & very affectionate– Her mother who was wrapt up in her must be in despair—& is old & ill herself– Poor Idita—she & her husband have scarcely enjoyed for 2 years the property left them by dear Countess Pisani—& the good things of this world. She leaves a little girl of 7 besides her husband.

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