0Tuesday. 13th [October 1903]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 October 1903 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 13th [October 1903]. Violet breakfasted in her own room. I ditto. Directly after lunch I went to the station to meet Countess Cora Brazza who has come with a friend Signorina Negris to stay 2 days with me. From the station I took her straight to Sigr Guggenheim where they talked at each other so hard that my head ached. Then we came home & picked up Violet & went off again together to the Piazza where Css B. went to see about the shop she wants for the sale of the Cavari feminite. Here we had another torrent of words from Signor Ongania the owner of the book shop. I never heard such volubility as in those 2 hours! Css B. is known as “Le tremblement du terre.” I should call her “Niagara” or “la cascade.” Mr Hitchens dined. I had my first Tuesday evening reception.

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