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7 May 1904 — Rome | |
Saturday. 7th [May 1904]. At 9 I was downstairs ready to start. Before I got out of bed I received the veil from the Queen in a large envelope on which was written “for dear Lady Layard with my best wishes for a happy journey & my regrets to see her go away. Margherita”– These are the little kind acts & words that make everyone so attached to her. Signor Onofrio accompanied the Brandolins & me to the station to see us off by the 9.50 train. Eda met us there from her hotel. There was a good deal excitement last evening by a paragraph in the Roman papers to say that there have been some rows in Venice during our absence. The low socialist newspapers had written an insolent letter about the visit of the Kaiser to Venice & his attentions to the Css Morosini. They also alluded to the Css Brandolin having also gone to the Morosini house to meet him. Tho’ no names were mentioned it was impossible not to see who was meant– Girolamo Brandolin had followed the editor of the socialist paper in the street—& when he had parted from a friend set upon him & beat him. This was the signal for reprisals– The socialists got up rows in the Piazza in the evenings & the troops were called out. Brandolin is accused of going with 5 or 6 friends to attack one man & having used loaded sticks & life preservers. In the train while in the Restaurant car we met a young Italian officer who knew the Brandolins & he bought them newspapers with accounts of what had happened. Css Brandolin is proud of her son’s work. To me it seems a pity that he should have condescended to notice the low paper. When we got to Florence Sr Desideri came with his son a young student, to present me with a bouquet of roses. The Brandolins had also friends to meet them. Css Brandolin felt tired & ill all the journey & we were all glad to be at home when our train arrived at Venice just before ten. Prof: Malagola came to salutare us & the Brandolins’ 2 sons met their mother. | |
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