0Sunday. 22nd May [1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 May 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 22nd May [1904]. Mrs Poynter & I went to morning service. At 4 o’cl we all went to Palazzo Contarini degli Scrigni to take tea with the new owner Countess Bianca Rocca Mocenigo. The house is nicely furnished & it is a pleasure to see one of the Venetians in one of their fine palaces. The Roccas bought it of Mr Peabody Russell the American. Mrs Silver & I walked off at 7 to the Sailor’s Institute but found there was to be no service as there was no congregation. Only one English Ship in port—so we went home to 8 o’cl dinner as usual. In the evening Mrs Silver made us try to evoke “influences” by holding a pencil—2 people together upright over a sheet of paper in Planchette fashion– The result was negative. We also tried putting bits of paper with the alphabet on them in a circle. Two people put each two fingers on the foot of a wine glass turned up side down– The glass slid along from letter to letter trying to spell out words—but neither was this successful.

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