0Saturday. 15th [April 1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 April 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 15th [April 1905]. I took the Princess & Baron von Roeder to see Sr Arbib’s house—& museum. After lunch I went out again to change some money & returned at 3 to accompany the Princess to the Della Grazias where she wished to call as the Dss is unwell– From there we went to the Piazza & came on home to tea. After that I went off in gondola to hospital where Ola has got a paying patient under Dr Hort & I got back at sunset just as the motor boat arrived bringing back the Prince who was delighted with his trip. Malagola & Dr Bally both came to dinner. Pss did not dine down.

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