0Sunday. 20th [August 1905]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 August 1905 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Sunday. 20th [August 1905]. We went to morning service. Corise & Nela joined us in church & then remained to luncheon. While walking round the terrace Corise began to tell me how she intended going out to India this winter to visit her brother Henry on my saying how delightful such a trip would be she said “Why dont you come too.”? I dont mind if I do, I answered & we fell to at once to discuss the plan. She said she advised me to take a friend with me as she would remain with her brother & I wd be left alone. I said, I would take Nela. She said it would be hard on Ivor & Cornelia if we all went at the same time—but when the latter heard of the plan she threw herself into it & said I must take her so we settled it & Corise promised to write to Messrs Cook about the tickets for Octr.

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