0Friday. 20th [April 1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 April 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 20th [April 1906]. Mr Guggenheim came to see me soon after 9 full of troubles over the ill success of his daughter’s marriage to a Christian (Bertini). The unhappy girl had turned Christian for the marriage wh had been a great grief to her father. Poor girl she was made to become a Christian to find unhappiness. I worked all the morning at hospital accounts to prepare the annual report for printing. Mme Hilmy Pasha came to lunch with me & then we went out to the Blue Cross depot to see the boats & apparatus for carrying the sick. Several Drs & newspaper people were there & champagne was handed round. Thence we went to the Hospital & I showed her over it & then took her into the Edens garden, then took her back to the Hotel Europe & came home. Found Mrs Collins had arrived to stay with me & she went off to the station to meet her husband the Bishop of Gibraltar who came from Trieste. Canon Ragg came to dinner & confabbed with the Bishop. This morning’s news from San Francisco speak of 10000 people killed. Let us hope this is an exaggeration but the earthquake has evidently been terrible.

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