0Thursday. 2nd [January 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 January 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 2nd [January 1908]. Down at 10. Wrote &c. At ¼ to 1 was just starting out to keep an appointment with Dr Luff when Eda Alderson came in & accompanied me in a cab. It is still bitter weather N. wind. The Dr told me to go to a Mr Lear electrician at 7 Welbeck St & arrange for having an electric bath every other day for my rheumatic knee. I went out. Mr Lear was out—but I left word that he should telephone the hour tomorrow. This he did later & I am to go there at 10 a.m. tomorrow. We drove straight home from there & found Nellie & Kate my sister & her Monty came after & then Charlie & they all lunched here. They afterwards dispersed. Kate & Monty went shopping– Nellie & Eda returned to the Tile House. Kate returned abt 4 & sat with me talking over her loss of Cecil & her thoughts & sufferings. We can too well understand each other. I gave her tea at 5. Old Mr Somerset Beaumont called & sat some time chatting. He told me of the death of Miss Cartwright (Roma) after an operation & her old father has now no daughter left. Poor old man! They were devoted to one another in their queer way—she always snubbing him & rough in manner. Charlie came at 6 o’cl & took Kate & Monty back to the Tile House. Miss Hallé came to dine with me & we worked at beads & chatted till bed time.

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