0Saturday. 11th [April 1908]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 April 1908 — Rome
Saturday. 11th [April 1908]. Sir Edwin the 3 boys & I started a little before 10 to drive to St Peter’s where Prof: Venturi had offered to take us to the crypt & to explain it to us. He wrote telling me to meet him at the Porta Filarete. No one there seemed to know of such a place & we drove round the outside of the church till at last we thought of going in to it. There on enquiry we found that the Porta Filarete was the front gate but we had lost so much time that Prof. Venturi was not to be found– However on Sir Edwin’s giving his name to a sacristan we were admitted to the crypt without an order. It was a most interesting sight & we had a very intelligent man to explain things. Just as we were going down I met Mignon Nevada Palmer coming out. When we got to the Stewart sarcophagi we found fresh flowers laid on them & a card attached wh was Mignon’s with warm words of devotion! a silly thing considering the girl is half American! On the way home we stopped at Sr Venturi’s & Sir Edwin went in & explained to him why we had not kept our tryst. It appears that after waiting for us ½ hour he had gone home. At ¼ to 1 Sir Edwin & I started off again & drove to the American Embassy where we had been invited to luncheon to meet old Mr Griscom who arrived from America yesterday. There also we met Mr Widener of Pa. & others—a party of about 14. Home at 2 & got a short rest when I was disturbed by a visit from Mrs Broadwood & then had to dress for the Brosky Quartett Concert wh took place here at 5. Q. Margherita came to it. Lady Vivian, Mrs Lloyd Griscom & I sat in the Royal circle front row! Brosky played the Bach Chaconne rather monotonously. The quartetts were very good. Directly after it was over we had to dress for dinner to wh came all the musicians of the Concert with their wives. Barjansky also dined & played to them in the eveng. We dined 18 at table.

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