0Sunday. 21st [June 1908]—Mezzaratta, Bologna
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 June 1908 — Mezzaratta, Bologna
Sunday. 21st [June 1908]. Still pretty hot. Prof. Faccioli went away till tomorrow having business in town & not caring to be here when there was the usual Sunday dinner party. To it came Countess Carmelita Zucchini & her son who is now a Volunteer and looked very fat in his uniform. He is a Corporal in the Cavalry & had leave of absence for this evening. There was also the two young Prince Ercolani—rather silent youths with remarking heads reminding one of Roman Emperors on old coins—small head & sharp profiles with beaked nose. There was Marchesa Tanari, an English woman wife of the Sindaco of Bologna who is said to be clever in philanthropic ways & to do much good in the town– The other guest was Alfredo Testoni the writer of plays rather buffone but jolly & amusing. In the evening I had to teach him double patience which delighted him & over wh he was very comic. When the moment came for the party to leave it was found to be raining & the heat was abating.

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