0Tuesday. 20th [October 1908]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 October 1908 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 20th [October 1908]. It turned suddenly very cold. Com: Malagola’s 90 birthday & so I went to see him to wish him joy. He was not well—& could not leave his bedroom but he had the Dr & his son & Sra Malagola with him & we drank the old man’s health in a bottle of port I sent for the purpose. Afterwards I walked to the Piazza & met Arbib who accompanied me & talked of the V. Murano business & the muddle Sir John Craggs had made of it! Home to tea to which the Fildes came. I showed Sir Luke a portrait Piccoli has of Charles I which the Duke of Connaught wd like to buy. Sir Luke says it is a fine copy & very cheap (1200 fcs) & recommends him to buy it. My usual reception in the eveng.

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