0Friday. 25th [December 1908]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 December 1908 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 25th [December 1908]. Christmas Day. Went to morning service & afterwards to see Angela & sat a little while with her. At 3.30 went to the Carol service—& thence to tea at the Hospital where I found Chaffey entertaining all the English Captains of ships she could collect & so home. We were 14 to dinner—The Raggs, Mr Woods, Mr Montalba, the Humphrey Johnstons, Van Somerens, Mr Hulton & the eldest girl, Miss Rowe & Miss Bowyer. Sear the cook gave us an excellent dinner. Afterwards about 20 English came & Mr Woods arranged some excellent tableaux which gave every one great pleasure. He has a special talent for doing them on the spur of the moment without any rehearsal. At the back of my mind I had memories of old days & other happier times—but I think all enjoyed themselves.

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