0Saturday. 24th [April 1909]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 April 1909 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 24th [April 1909]. After a busy day about the coming concert & going to the Hospital today there was opened the Exhibition of pictures at the Public gardens & at the Fenice the opera of “Salome” was given. I would not go to it & went with Hallam to dine quietly at the Calcina– I took a box at the Fenice for the rest of the party & Oscar, Ola, & Mr Talboy went to it. I object to the opera for many reasons—the chief being that the Bellincioni dances about naked with the head of John the Baptist in her arms & makes love to it. It is a sickening idea & Ola came to my room looking pale with the horror of it, when she came home. We are coming to an age of decadence when such things can be represented!

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