0Wednesday. 5th [January 1910]—Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 January 1910 — Bessborough, Fiddown, County Kilkenny
Wednesday. 5th [January 1910]. Another damp foggy day. I went out with Blanche for a walk down to the village in the afternoon & the rest of the day typed away diligently. Miss Marjory Skinner & Arthur Du Cane left this afternoon & the Grand children went out to a tea party at the parson’s & Blanche joined them. I poured out tea at home for Edward & Mr Penrose (the agent) who called. Myles went out hunting—Edward went out shooting. Had an offer today from Mr Tighe to rent 3 Savile Row from 1st March to 10th May at £16 a week wh I have accepted so that I shall get away from England sooner than I expected.

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