0Friday. 4th [February 1910]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 February 1910 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 4th [February 1910]. I had a letter from Miss Loch, Princess Christian’s lady saying H.R.H. wished me to go to Cumberland Lodge to dine & sleep next Tuesday. So be it. I took a walk with Nellie after lunch & accompanied her to her shop 20 Cork St. Ordered a boddice of her. Then Blanche called for me in her motor & drove me till 5 when I returned home to tea. Charlie & Nellie left for Tile House to spend the “week end” there as is now the phrase. Dacre Du Cane & his French wife also Reggie Alderson dined with us & Mr Robinson, Lady Gregorys manager of the Dublin Theatre. We were a dull party. Dacre very silent & had it not been for Augusta Gregory who threw herself into loud conversation I think we should have ended by crying. Reggie being rather deaf did not add to our hilarity.

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