0Monday. 7th [February 1910]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 February 1910 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 7th [February 1910]. I had my hair washed wh kept me in my room till 11. My hair being snow white easily gets darkened with this London atmosphere & it is a business getting it dry as it is long & thick. At 12 I went out with Augusta Gregory to call on Mr John Murray & I took him Henry’s letters I had typed to Sir Wm Gregory which he kindly promised to get bound up for me– He said he is tremendously busy just now. I hinted at the publishing of the Spanish & Turkish part of Henry’s Memoirs & he said he would think of it later. We walked home. Charles came up from Tile House & said Nellie would come tomorrow—as she is not very well. Blanche sent us the motor & Augusta & I went out at 3 for a drive—& soon disposed of all out visits—finding no one at home.

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