0Tuesday. 2nd August [1910]—Salsomaggiore
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 August 1910 — Salsomaggiore
Tuesday. 2nd August [1910]. I left Salsomaggiore by 6.55 train for Borgo San Domino. A handsome Russian lady was in the train & she came & stood in the doorway of my compartment & talked about Russia the whole way. She abused every member of the Russian R. family & the Govt & the police till I began to think she must be a nihilist but she ended by saying that as long as Stolypin was in power there is hope for the country. She said she had lived 18 years in the Caucasus wh was the most beautiful & healthy country in the world & she advised me to go there another summer. She was travelling with an old gentleman who looked like her father. She said she did not like Europe & preferred Russia. The train from Bologna came to San Domino at 8.15 & in it I found Da Laura Minghetti under the care of a detective given her by the Prefect of Bologna. He found me and the platform & carried me to Da Laura & we reached Milan abt 9.30 & then took our places in the sleeping car of the night train to Lucerne. Here the detective left us.

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