0Wednesday. 2nd [November 1910]—Varramista, San Romano
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 November 1910 — Varramista, San Romano
Wednesday. 2nd [November 1910]. All souls. I left Varramista by the same train as Prof. Fano who took care of me most kindly as far as Florence & then put me into the 1.30 train for Venice. I left Donna Laura under the care of Folco & he will take her on to Rome tomorrow—so I feel she is safely cared for. She is now very nervous travelling having heard much exaggeration as to the dangers of being attacked by thieves choloroformed &c, &c; but she is a wonderful person for her age—full of life & spirit. She often talked to us of past days—of the Emperor & Empress Eugenie & Cavour, the statesman of that time. She has a great comtempt for Em. Eugenie & says, truly, she can have neither heart nor dignity to go to Paris & live at an hotel over looking the Tuilleries where she once reigned supreme—& this merely to buy the last fashions. The Italians here all agree that Italy has been very ungrateful to the memory of the Emperor in not venturing to put the equestrian statue in a prominent place at Milan. It is now poked away in a court yard. I reached home at 9.30, having dined in the train & not a bit tired.

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