0Tuesday. 31st [January 1911]—Cairo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 January 1911 — Cairo
Tuesday. 31st [January 1911]. We left Cairo by 8 a.m. train & went to Luxor. Travelled with Mr G. Biddulph & his boy who is very delicate & it is hoped will benefit by the change. It was rather a long dusty journey but very interesting. The natives at the stations gave one constant pictures. We went to the Winter Palace Hotel which was very crowded & is one of the new expensive hotels of wh Egypt is now full. Found Alick Yorke staying there—as he is a very old friend & who is spending winter here for his health. Hugh Whitaker & his mother & Miss Hanbury Tracy also spending the winter are here. H.W. is excavating somewhere near & living on his dahabeeyah. Found also Mr Arbuthnot here & joined tables for meals with them & the Biddulphs.

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