0Thursday. 6th March [1862]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 March 1862 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Thursday. 6th March [1862]. At the end of luncheon the M came over here. She wanted to find Merthyrs address: it appears that Mr Clark wrote to tell her that he had received a telegram from Ivor fm Königsberg saying that he would be laid up for a week and could not be home to be High Sheriff of Glamorgan. The mother and Maria went into town to find Merthyrs address. The first person they met was Merthyr himself who tired of waiting for Ivor at Paris had just returned– They went & telegraphed to Ivor to know what was the matter– The mother came home by 6 oclock. Whilst they were out Con & Blan had their acting in the pan:– Schr went into town in the evening to see if Merthyr had recd any answer from Ivor—but came home without any–

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