0Thursday. 13th [March 1862]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 March 1862 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Thursday. 13th [March 1862]. Down to breakfast and read prayers– Practised in the morng. Kate brought the baby into the schoolroom. Molly & Bloss Alderson came at 12½—luncheon at 1– After luncheon had rather a fuss with Ecca about driving. Kate & Molly went out in poney carriage Blossett with Connie—I with Ecca. Poor Blanche had too bad a cold to go out—went to Roehampton to post some letters & met Ladies Harriet & Julia Melville—tea at 4½. The Alderson girls left at 5—went to sit with Kate and helped to undress baby– The dear little thing seemed a little better today– Had her in my arms for the 1st time– Cecil came from Swansea & arrived just in time for dinner, played Spellicans with him & went to bed a little after 10.–

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