0Tuesday. 18th [March 1862]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 March 1862 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Tuesday. 18th [March 1862]. Con received a letter from the mother. Ivor going on well—but the peeling begun. Mr Aug. Lumley making a portrait of IMG. Went to town in the afternoon to do some shopping– Saw Eras. Wilson, Mrs Burr, Miss Unwin & Mr Clark—spoke to the latter but only saw the others en passant– Left packet of letters for the M at Mr Layards– Connie was still in bed with a cold and could not go to the dancing academy– Had some lovely violets sent me from Canford it nearly took my whole morning putting them up. Took some in to Mrs Delplanque & Mrs Layard at Uff: Practised in the evening from dinner till past nine–

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