0Tuesday. 25th [March 1862]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 March 1862 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Tuesday. 25th [March 1862]. I got up with the intention of going to dance at the academy– Sent the poney carriage over to fetch Kate & babe. She came over to luncheon and went into town with Blan: Con: & Tem: I stayed at home after all as Mia had sent word that she was coming to see me. It began to rain hard as soon as the carriage was gone & of course Ria did not come. I was beginning to be very disappointed when who should arrive but Montie and Arthur. They played and sang to me and we had 5 oclock tea together in the schoolroom. They left at about 5½ having had a very pleasant afternoon. Ecca went to town & did not come home until late–

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