0Wednesday. 26th [March 1862]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 March 1862 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Wednesday. 26th [March 1862]. Practised in the morning– Susan & Fanny Hamond came to luncheon– It was a very damp and foggy day. I went over to Richd with the Hamonds by train– It was very wet & in walking from Richd Sta: I got my feet wet. Ecca stopped to dinner. She came home by late train. She had seen Augustus (who was there to dinner) and she had also recd an invite to dine with Montie at Longs– But she wrote to say we 3 would not be able to accept but she Ria & Kate would go. Ecca sat talking to me some time after I was in bed and left me about 11½. We heard that Richard had taken Ashburton Cottage.

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