0Tuesday. 21st [October 1862]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 October 1862 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Tuesday. 21st [October 1862]. Not so very late as I was down before either of the boys. After breakfast I lingered about—played some songs for Montie & practised my concertina till 12½. Montie gave me some O de Cölne and some Acqua de Miele. I then went up and printed till 2 oclock when I went to luncheon and immediately after I & Ecca went off to the school till 4. I then returned home & did some more printing till 5 when we had tea. Monty having come in from shooting he and I amused ourselves till the 1st dinner bell rang in drawing—trying to do the perspective of a piano. At dinner we had rather a row Monty blurted out something about our grandpapa Lindsey having been a fool. The M. was very angry & Ivor tried to stop him. Monty, I and Ecca talked the whole eveng. I & Con: played Zampa. I went to smoking room with Monty & stayed about ¼ hour. When I came up found the M. in my room rather savage with me–

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