0Saturday. 25th [April 1863]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 April 1863 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Saturday. 25th [April 1863]. Mme DuPouy came in the morng and also her sister Miss DuPouy. Miss K. went away for a weeks holiday. I went out riding in the afternoon and rode the new horse. I was rather stiff after it not having ridden for 3 yrs. We dressed to go to London as soon as we came in from riding and I, Con: & Schr set off for the Aldersons. The M. was not very well & could not go so Con: dined down in her place and I dined alone with Blossett. A good many people came in the eveng and we stayed till past 12.

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