0Friday. 22nd [May 1863]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 May 1863 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Friday. 22nd [May 1863]. Not up very early– Connie rode. She, the M & I went at 3½ to Hallé’s recital at St James’s Hall. The Princess & Princess Louis of Hesse with Princess Mary were there. Maria, Mrs R. Du Cane & little Alice came to lunch & returned to tea. We did not see the Princess as we had very bad places at the concert & everyone rose when they came in but we enjoyed Hallé’s playing—wh he did from 3½ to 5. Mr Arthur Du Cane came in to 5 tea & before dinner the Du Canes returned to Roehampton. Mr & Mrs Bertie & Lady Selmer dined with us also Monty. After dinner we had some singing and Monty insisted upon my singing a Spanish song for wh they made great fun of me. At 11½ they all left & we went to Mrs FitzPatricks ball in Portman Sqre wh was pretty good but rather mixed but I danced 5 or 6 times. We made acquaintance with 2 Miss Gordons, twins who seem very jolly– We did not get home till 3 as Monty took the carriage to go to his club in wh made us later. Found Blanche in our room & slept 3 in a bed. She having been frightened & not wishing to sleep in her own room.

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