0Friday. 4th [November 1864]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 November 1864 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Friday. 4th [November 1864]. Practised after breakfast & wrote a little before lunch. Ivor Monty & Schrei: went out shooting. Mr Flamanck was ill all day– After lunch Blanche read to me in Ivor’s room & then I went to Mrs Allens abt the knitting & on to Mrs Patey—found her not so well. Blanche joined me there & we went to Mrs Pynes & left a jacket that had been lent us & B read out of “Nothing New.” We went to the garden & got some pears, & then after a little turn in the Queens walk went [to] Mrs Meaby’s and at 5 came home to T. in my room with Monty & EK. I had a headache all the day. At 6 I & Monty went to the Hall & sang till dinner time– Monty chaffed EK during dinner– I went & sat with him a little in Luffs room but I felt so bad I took a bath & went to bed at 9½.

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