0Thursday. 8th July [1869]—21 Grafton Street
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8 July 1869 — 21 Grafton Street
Thursday. 8th July [1869]. Henry & I were to join a party of contributors to the Biblical dictionary, but at the last moment Henry found he could not get away from the House—so he took me to the station & gave me in charge of M. de Triqueti. We met Dr & Mrs Smith, Mr & Mrs Heavytrees, Mr Ferguson, Lady Belcher &c—& went to Windsor. Arrived there we went to Layton’s & had some lunch & then went to find the Dean (Wellesley) & he took us to see the chapel wh was being decorated with Triqueti’s & Miss Durant’s works. We were a large party a great many I did not know. Mr & Mrs Murray with their daughter joined us from Wimbledon. From the chapels we went down to the dungeons & thence to the Castle. The Queen was at Windsor however the Dean got us in & we went over the library & while the rest of the party went over the State apartments Mr Woodward the librarian showed M. Triqueti & me some of fine collection of drawings & miniatures that belong to the Queen. At abt 6 we went to the “White Hart” where dinner was ordered. At ½ past we dined. Dr Smith took me down to dinner & I had M. de Triqueti on my right; next him sat Professor Deutsch & Mr Woodward. There were 2 or 3 speeches made & they drank to M. de T. wh he answered very neatly in French. We returned to town by 8.50 train & I had a very nice talk with M de T. & he put me into my brougham at Pad: I was glad to get home being tired & having a headache. Henry was still at the House. His office Estimates were going on & that had prevented him going to Windsor & also obliged him to refuse to dine & sleep at Windsor as the Q. had asked him.

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