0Monday. 12th [July 1869]—Exeter House, Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 July 1869 — Exeter House, Roehampton
Monday. 12th [July 1869]. Very hot indeed. Sat out under trees all day. Henry went to town early. I went abt 5. After dinner Adeline fetched me and we went to old Lady Duff Gordon’s & heard Trebelli & her husband sing. It was charming. She sang also a duet with Mr Underdown. Molly Alderson sang “The Rose of Erin” & then they sang the Quartette in Martin’s “Mezza notte”. Lady Waterford was there looking still wonderfully handsome. Molly A. brought me home & on the doorstep I met Henry just returned from the House.

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