0Wednesday. 14th [July 1869]—21 Grafton Street
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 July 1869 — 21 Grafton Street
Wednesday. 14th [July 1869]. Mr Clark came to breakfast & then we all went early to Huntly & Miss Brooks’ wedding at Westminster Abbey. We had tickets for the Lantern & Mr Clark gave me up his place wh he had secured. It was in the front row and a very good place. There were quantities of smart people and every seat in the Choir & Lantern was soon filled. At abt ½ past 11, after sitting in silence waiting, the organ broke out with “God Save the Queen”. The effect was most grand & almost startling. Leaning over & looking quite down the aisle I saw the Prince & Pss of Wales & Prince Battenberg advancing & they took places appointed for them close to the chancel rails. Then arrived the Prince & Pss of Teck & soon the organ began a voluntary & the bride advanced preceeded by the Choir, the Bishop of Oxford, Dean Stanley &c. In the middle of the aisle they stopped & the Bishop began the service. There was some stop in the service by the Bishop’s having made the mistake of making the bride repeat the same words as the Bridegroom, wh however appropriate was not en regle & he had to make her say it over again. The half of the service over, the procession moved on to the communion table the choir singing all the while & the rest of the service was choral. When over they all returned in procession & the company dispersed—some home & some to the wedding breakfast. We went to the latter—saw their wedding presents. The Prince of Wales was there & took Aunt Mary down to breakfast & old Brooks went off supremely happy with the Dss of St Albans. When they had all filed down Henry & I slipped off—he to the office & I to Adelines to lunch with her & Maria & Kembles. I went home & dressed & then drove Henry to the Pad: Station as he was sent for to dine & sleep at Windsor. It was a great bore as we had a dinner at home. Lord St Germans, Mr & Mrs Tom Bruce, Mr & Mrs Thomson Hankey—Miss Cecil Hankey, Genl Collingwood Dickson, Mr Alison—Molly Alderson, Mr J. De Gex. & Rd Du Cane. After dinner Adeline fetched me & we went for ½ hour to Mr Brooks’ Ball.

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