0Sunday. 22nd [August 1869]—Brieg
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 August 1869 — Brieg
Sunday. 22nd [August 1869]. Up early & started at 7 to go over the Simplon pass in a hired carriage. A lovely morng. We had 2 horses & 2 more followed us for a relay. At                we had the two fresh horses and set off again. We got to the village of Simplon abt ¼ to 1 stayed 2 hours and dined there & got a very good dinner. We only met a party of 5 Germans who had 6 horses but whom we out stripped the whole way. From Simplon we had a most wonderfully beautiful drive and scenery which surprised and enchanted me more than any thing I have yet seen. The descent into the plains of Italy thro’ the narrow gorges with its awfully gigantic rocks dashing torrents and deafening waterfalls was such as impressed me excessively and is quite beyond imagination. We soon got into the most lovely vegetation—walnuts, forests of chesnuts, indian corn, rice & vines. We however were glad to find ourselves at Domo Dossola abt 7. We went to the Hotel d’Espagne wh is charming airy and clean. After an excellent tea with fish & nice Italian bread we sat on the balcony of our room till bed time watching the people walking to & fro in the street for an airing. When we went to bed at 9 we had a difficulty in sleeping on account of the noise in the streets. Opposite our windows on the gates of the other hotel was written up “Diligence to Svviss and ITALJ” Splendid English!–

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