0Sunday. 29th [August 1869]—Varenna
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 August 1869 — Varenna
Sunday. 29th [August 1869]. Cold about the same so that I was obliged to give up going to Bellagio and instead laid on the sofa all day. Henry took a boat abt 10 & rowed over to Bellagio to see for letters. He returned about 12 with a whole bundle of papers & a few letters. Mine are from Grannie, Maria, Edgar and we had a line from Bee. We had luncheon upstairs and then wrote letters & then I was obliged to return to my sofa. At 6 Henry went down to dinner. I had some brought to me. After dinner we sat out on the balcony watching a thunderstorm in the neighbouring mountains. We could hear the distant thunder and thought it was coming up over this place. The storm did not come and we went to bed at 9. My cold is better tho’ I had a bad night owing to that donkey Hill coming to ask for some brandy as she felt ill. This disturbed me & made us both furious!

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