0Monday. 6th [September 1869]—Verona
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 September 1869 — Verona
Monday. 6th [September 1869]. We went in the morning after breakfast to the church of S. Anastasia which is just outside the hotel. We then took a carriage and drove past the tombs of the Scaligers over the bridge to Pegrassi’s shop to see what he is doing for Ivor. He is making the top of a chimney piece for him but was in great distress as Henry discovered the dimensions were wrong. From there we went to S. Giorgio Maggiore; S. Maria in Organo & S. Fermo and home by the Piazza dell’Erbe. As I was still very unwell, Henry resolved to alter our plans & instead of going into the Italian Tyrol to go straight to Venice that I might see the doctor. We left Verona abt middle day & got to Venice abt sunset. At the station we were met by Henry’s own particular gondolier “Marco” whom we employed the whole time of our stay at Venice. We went to stay at the Pension Suisse kept by “Giacomo” on the Grand Canal & next door to Barbesi’s. He received us rapturously & kissed my hand & was delighted to see Henry who is an old client of his. After dinner we went & sat on the Piazza S. Marco & took coffee &c.

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