0Tuesday. 12th [October 1869]—Naples
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 October 1869 — Naples
Tuesday. 12th [October 1869]. We went again this morning to the Museum to see the upper floor with all the sculpture, mosaics, bronzes, gems & pictures. The bronzes of wh there is a large room full are all from Pompei and are most interesting, showing that the ancients used all the same tools utensils &c that are used at the present day. This Museum is most beautifully arranged owing to the present Director Fiorelli who is also director of the excavations at Pompei and who has promised to take us there tomorrow & give us a “scavo.” In many cases where he has discovered articles made of metal & wood the wood having disappeared but having left its imprint in the mud he has had casts made of the imprint & so completely restored the article—as the tricliniums which were found entire & with new wood made from the casts are now perfect. We were very specially interested in 2 curious bits of mosaic work in relief wh had been discovered at Pompei & were very curious & effective. We went home to lunch & at 4 we went out for a little drive. We drove round the upper part of the town where the view of the Bay, Capri & Vesuvius (smoking away) was lovely & we did not get back till nearly 6.

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