0Monday. 14th [February 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 February 1870 — Madrid
Monday. 14th [February 1870]. I wrote letters & received a Valentine from the Du Cane children. After lunch a call from Genl Milans de Bosch & Henry gave me some writing to do. In the midst of all this they came to say Mme Canitz had called to take me out driving so I left Henry to finish the writing & went with her & her cousin to the Casa de Campo where we got out & walked; but it soon came on to rain & as there was a very smart shower we were obliged to get in & drive home which we did as quickly as the bad roads would permit for the roads, not kept up since the Revolution, are like ploughed fields. In the eveng we had the Marqueses de Bedmar & the Marqueses de Molins, Vizconte Ponton—Chevalier Nicholas, M. Llorente & M. [illegible word] to dinner; in the evening we had abt 40 come in, had some music & kept up pretty late.

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