0Sunday. 27th [February 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 February 1870 — Madrid
Sunday. 27th [February 1870]. I went down to church but not Henry on acct of his cold. Today is the 1st day of the Masquerading—but unfortunately it is dull & rainy. Still at 3 o’cl: it cleared a little so we went in the open carriage to Mme Riaños & went up to ask her if she thought it fit to go. We decided to try & offered to take her boy Juanito with us. While there came M. Savedra with his little girl dressed up as a peasant with its baby on her back a               . She looked charming & was as happy as possible. There were a good many carriages in the Prado—the string being a good way up the Alcala. We had a pass so we went thro’ easily—but at the Prado the mud was ancle deep & the poor masks were all wet & draggled. We drove up & down very much amused. I got home about 6 o’cl: After dinner we went to the Prims’ last reception.

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