0Tuesday. 1st March [1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 March 1870 — Madrid
Tuesday. 1st March [1870]. I wrote in morning– Lady Ely came abt one to call & sat some time with us– She agreed to dine with us this evening. After lunch I went with Henry in the Landau & fetched La Clarita (Mrs Hunt) & thence we went & fetched Mme Riaño & her boy & took them all to the Prado & we drove up & down till 6. There were a great many more masks the best of which were 28 gentlemen as Canary birds ½ of them as cocks & ½ as hens—just as we were going we were accosted by one whom we recognized as Mr Ffrench. Lady Ely Mr & Mrs Hunt Messrs Ff:, Ash & Sey: dined with us & afterwards we had some singing. At dinner Lady E. said she was going to see the Bal Masqué & offered to take me to wh Henry assented but we did not tell Mr Ff: that Clarita was going as she wanted to “embromar” him– At abt 11 Lady Ely left to fetch Lord Ely & Clarita went to get her domino & I changed my dress. At 12 we went to the Ball & I went straight up to the box. There were very few people there—but it soon filled & very soon there was an immense crowd & it got very hot & confusing & Henry took me home at 2–

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